CBD buds or hemp flowers, as they are also known, provide many pain-relieving and calming properties. These hemp buds are specifically grown to be rich in CBD, but low in THC. Hemp flowers are actually plants, meaning that they offer an all-natural and pure source of CBD, with no additives or processed materials.
- Reported benefits of hemp flowers are:
- Relief of Chronic Pain
- Reduces Inflammation
- Reduces Anxiety and Depression
- Insomnia and other sleep related issues
- Digestive Disorder
- Fibromyalgia
- Focus
- Helps Improve Nerve Health
- Helps Regulate Metabolism
- Stress Relief
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Nausea
- Sore Muscles
- Seizures
Otto II hemp flowers have a slight aroma of “green apple,” due to its high content of Farnesene (which is often found in fruit coatings like apple skins.) These hemp flowers have been used to ease anxiety, pain, and inflammation.
12.9% CBD
Hemp Flowers contain less than .3% Delta 9 THC and are Non-Psychoactive
For Adult Use Only
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